Better Products, Superfast

We help you find and expand product-market fit.

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Product innovation simplified and de-risked

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Growth Strategy

We design product and innovation-led experiments.

Product Design

We design products that users love and businesses value.


We make innovation tangible and useful in the real world.


We build internal capability so people can do what we do.

The proof is in the pudding

Businessman is launching a software product.
Businessman is launching a software product.

Notus platform for sales and community building

We used the Design Sprint process with Notus on its marketing platform that analyzes Twitter interactions for business growth and organic relationship building. We worked closely with Notus’ Founders and Designer to release in record time.

From idea to validated MVP
Ideas generated and explored
Reduced project uncertainty
Businessman is launching a software product.
Businessman is launching a software product.

Turing enterprise platform for CPG scientists

We used the Design Sprint process with Turing on its enterprise platform to introduce a new workflow centered around a generative AI as a workflow assistant for CPG formulation scientists. We worked closely with leadership team to de-risk this large investment.

From vision to validated MVP
Ideas generated and explored
Reduced project uncertainty
Businessman is launching a software product.

Virti chatbot builder for virtual human training

We ran a Design Sprint to completely redesign and reimagine Virti chatbot builder, a enterprise platform of healthcare education. We helped align the leadership team on new product direction and significantly reduced development costs.

Ideas generated and concepts
Major product flaws identified
User-validated prototypes
Businessman is launching a software product.
Businessman is launching a software product.
Businessman is launching a software product.During LedgerComm workshop.

LedgerComm marketplace for corporate loans

We worked with leader marketplace for corporate loans LedgerComm to align cross-functional teams on product vision. The Sprint was the first time different teams worked together on a challenge and resulted in validated specs to speed up the development of digital platform as MVP.

Ideas generated and explored
User-validated prototypes
Reduced project uncertainty

As someone new to tech, I was worried about keeping up. But Human1st team made everything approachable and engaging. The prototype we developed was so good that clients believed it was our real app. I can't recommend Human1st enough for their insight and quality of work.

Sharika Chauhan, COO at LedgerComm
Sharika Chauhan
COO at LedgerComm

Digital Product Design on Steroids

We use Design Sprints to compress work that would usually take months into days. We cut the fat out of the standard design process to launch products faster so we can learn from real user data, not guesswork.

LEARN HOW we design products

Selected Clients

We work with the most successful businesses, in the most mature product markets in the world, giving you an unmatched level of expertise and experience to solve your challenge.

Behind the scenes of our work and methodologies